Meet the Potent Plants: Summer Box 2024

Since emerging from my winter reboot to do some major soul searching as to how I would move forward with Gardenia Apothecary, it became clear to me that in order to continue on with my small business while juggling my role as Program Director, mom-duties, and maintaining my own self-care and mental health, Iโ€™d have to scale down my shop significantly. One of the products that Iโ€™ll continue to offer is the Moments of Self-Care Yearly Subscription: a customizable self-care offering that sums up everything I love most about seasonal self-care, product formulation, and aromatherapy.

Iโ€™ve been meditating on the vibes to infuse into the Summer 2024 Self-Care Box, and the words that came to mind are: manifestation, motivation, balance & inner vitality. During the summer, we are in our fullest expression of ourselves for the year, just as a flower in full bloom or tree bearing fruit. The following essential oils will be offered to motivate, encourage self-confidence & help you blossom into the best version of yourself during the most fruitful time of the year. Here are the 2024 summer blends:

  • GRAPEFRUIT ICE (Blend of grapefruit & peppermint)

  • CITRUS ZEST (Blend of: bergamot, green mandarin, lavender, black pepper & litsea cubeba)

  • SUMMER BOUQUET: (Blend of: Siberian fir, eucalyptus, jasmine & green mandarin)

Iโ€™m pushing the envelope with Blend C, going outside of my comfort zone. Blending a conifer oil with a sensual floral like jasmine is definitely unexpected, but the addition of the fir and eucalyptus definitely help to create more of a centered & grounded aroma, vs going straight to your head. The green mandarin helps to bring out the citrus notes in the jasmine, in my opinion, also making it a really inclusive blend - not too feminine, not too masculine.

Iโ€™ve shared some of the therapeutic benefits of each of the oils in the summer 2024 collection below:


Green Mandarin

(Citrus reticulata blanco)

โค๏ธŽ Encourages feelings of safety

โค๏ธŽ Deeply calming & helps you release emotional stress

โค๏ธŽ Promotes sleep, improves circulation & relieves spasms

โค๏ธŽ Helps you connect with your guardian angels.

โค๏ธŽ Aligns you with inner peace, safety & sweet dreams


(Citrus aurantium var. bergamia)

โค๏ธŽ Increases feelings of joy, positivity & self-confidence

โค๏ธŽ Promotes relaxation. Restorative & calming

โค๏ธŽ Encourages you to appreciate the richness of life

โค๏ธŽ Helpful in relaxing muscles & nerves, especially cramps

โค๏ธŽ Promotes openness of the mind to access higher levels of consciousness

*Gardenia Apothecary utilizes an FCF (Furocoumarins-free) bergamot essential oil in topical products. Does not cause photosensitivity.


(Lavandula angustifolia)

โค๏ธŽ Soothes the heart space - calming chaotic emotions like hysteria & worry

โค๏ธŽ Relieves mental fatigue, stress & anxiety

โค๏ธŽ Balances your entire being: body, mind, emotions & energy

โค๏ธŽ Promotes mental clarity & awareness

black pepper

(Piper nigrum)

โค๏ธŽ Motivates change

โค๏ธŽ Protects you from negative energy

โค๏ธŽ Helps move blocked energy

โค๏ธŽ Provides a sense of security & comfort

litsea cubeba (May Chang)

(Litsea cubeba)

โค๏ธŽ Uplifts your mood

โค๏ธŽ Increases mental clarity & alertness

โค๏ธŽ Calming, relieves stress & encourages restful sleep

โค๏ธŽ Balances the nervous system & promotes lymphatic drainage


(Jasminum grandiflorum)

โค๏ธŽ Inspires self-confidence & courage to embrace your true self

โค๏ธŽ Encourages you to put positive thought into action

โค๏ธŽ Releases inhibitions & fears

โค๏ธŽ Calms the nerves & promotes restful sleep


(Eucalyptus radiata)

โค๏ธŽ Encourages mindfulness of breath

โค๏ธŽ Has a cooling energy that is beneficial when youโ€™re feeling hot-headed

โค๏ธŽ Helps you release feelings of frustration & agitation

โค๏ธŽ Soothes exhaustion & clears the mind

Siberian Fir

(Abies siberica)

โค๏ธŽ Encourages a strong sense of self

โค๏ธŽ Revitalizes the emotions

โค๏ธŽ Inspires forgiveness & self-acceptance

โค๏ธŽ Increases positive vibes & calm energy


(Mentha x piperita)

โค๏ธŽ Awakening

โค๏ธŽ Encourages a connection to your deep inner feelings you have for yourself & others

โค๏ธŽ Helps you gain mental clarity, process what youโ€™re going through in order to move forward

โค๏ธŽ Inspires new ideas & creativity


(Citrus paradisi)

โค๏ธŽ Encourages the heart to open to receive love & blessings, and experience joy & happiness

โค๏ธŽ Promotes a stronger sense of self

โค๏ธŽ Relieves your emotional body of doubts & fear

โค๏ธŽ Helps you raise your consciousness & awareness to receive messages from angels, archangels & master guides


As a yearly subscriber, you are given the freedom to choose which seasonal blend(s) resonate most. Each season, choose from products like: body oil, salt scrubs, aromatic room spray, roll on aromatherapy, etc. and then select the seasonal essential oil blend for that product. Every season, youโ€™ll receive additional gifts & goodies. Every box is unique, freshly formulated and Reiki charged with blessings & healing energy.

I cannot wait to formulate, and make some plant medicine! I encourage you to experience how empowering self-care can be, and the beauty of connecting to yourself โ™ฅ๏ธ


5 Self-Care Practices for Winter